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Treeable Equivalence Relations and Essential Countability
Spring Western Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (2015)
  • John D. Clemens, Southern Illinois University
We establish a dichotomy theorem characterizing when a treeable Borel equivalence relation E is essentially countable. Under additional assumptions on the treeing, we show that E is essentially countable if and only if there is no continuous embedding of the relation š¯”¼<sub>1</sub> into E. In particular, we generalize and provide a classical proof of the analogous result for hypersmooth equivalence relations due to Kechris and Louveau. By considering a special class of treeings, we use our dichotomy to deduce several results about the global structure of the Borel reducibility hierarchy on equivalence relations, namely: the collection of treeable Borel equivalence relations is unbounded in the Borel-reducibility hierarchy; for every Borel equivalence relation which is not essentially hyperfinite we may find equivalence relations of arbitrarily high descriptive complexity with which it is incomparable under Borel reducibility; and for a sufficiently complicated Borel Wadge class Ī“ there is no minimum non-potentially Ī“ equivalence relation. This is joint work with Dominique Lecomte and Ben Miller
Publication Date
April 19, 2015
Las Vegas, NV
Citation Information
John D. Clemens. "Treeable Equivalence Relations and Essential Countability" Spring Western Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (2015)
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