Games-as-a-service: Conflicted identities on the new front-line of video game development
New Media & Society
As creative industries begin to experiment with service and subscriptions models, prior research suggests that such changes in production and consumption carry important implications for workers. Using the theoretical lens of occupational communities, this empirical study investigates the impact of servitization—that is, the transition from a product to a service-dominant logic—on the identity of video game developers. It theorizes that service workers’ skills and mind-set, relationships with peers and players, internal and external reputation, as well as development principles and values all experience disruptions, leading to the emergence of a distinct identity.
- Creative industries,
- identity,
- occupational communities,
- servitization,
- video games
Publication Date
March 2, 2021
Citation Information
Louis-Etienne Dubois and Johanna Weststar. "Games-as-a-service: Conflicted identities on the new front-line of video game development" New Media & Society Vol. online first (2021) p. 1 - 22 ISSN: 1461-4448 Available at:
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