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Work hour congruence: The effect on job satisfaction and absenteeism
International Journal of Human Resource Management
  • Bryon Y Lee, Renmin University of China
  • Jing Wang, York University
  • Johanna Weststar, Western University
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This study examines the effect of work hour congruence on employee job satisfaction and absenteeism using a large, longitudinal sample from the Canadian Workplace and Employee Survey (WES). An employee is said to have work hour congruence when they actually work the number of hours that they desire. Results indicate a difference between employees who desire more hours and those who desire fewer hours: employee desire for and receipt of more hours was related to positive changes in job satisfaction, while employee desire for and receipt of fewer hours was related to reduced absenteeism. In addition, the results suggest that employees respond to employers who at least try to meet their needs, those who desired more hours and received some, but not all of these additional hours showed a positive increase in job satisfaction. This study contributes to the literature by using of a precise measure of work hour preference and change, differentiating employees who desire fewer hours from those who desire more and examining both full and partial work hour congruence.


This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in International Journal of Human Resource Management on 03/06/2015, available online:

Citation Information
Bryon Y Lee, Jing Wang and Johanna Weststar. "Work hour congruence: The effect on job satisfaction and absenteeism" International Journal of Human Resource Management Vol. 26 Iss. 5 (2015) p. 657 - 675
Available at: