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Popular Press
Unbecoming American
Hedgehog Review (2020)
  • Johann N. Neem
I arrived—as we all do—in the midst of history. I was not yet three, and my parents had migrated to San Francisco from Mumbai to start a new life. They had been sponsored by my dad’s sister, whose husband, an engineer, had come over to work for Bechtel. We were, in other words, part of the first wave of immigrants to crash into a changing America in the wake of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Our arrival—among those of the numbers of Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans who came to the country—was largely unexpected. It was not what most Americans had anticipated when the law was passed during the civil rights era. But it was what brought me here, to a new country.
  • Higher Education,
  • Multiculturalism,
  • Multicultural Education,
  • American Politics,
  • American History,
  • Donald Trump,
  • Immigration,
  • Culture Wars
Publication Date
Spring 2020
Citation Information
Johann N. Neem. "Unbecoming American" Hedgehog Review (2020)
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