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Researching life in e-society with diary studies
ECIS 2006 Proceedings
  • Joey George, Florida State University
Publication Date

To study life in an e-society, it is important to collect data in situ. One research method that provides for data to be collected as people live their e-society lives is a diary study methodology. Diary studies ask participants to record certain events, using various technological means, over a fixed period of time. While diary studies have their strengths, the most important of which is cost effective in situ data collection without the need for an outside observer, they also have their weaknesses, most notably the high level of commitment demanded from the participants. This paper reports on a 2005 diary study of lying in everyday communication, with a focus on lying via computer-mediated communication modes, such as phone, e-mail, and instant messaging. The study, which involved 25 undergraduate students logging their communication activities for seven days on personal digital assistants, serves as the vehicle from which to derive a set of lessons learned about the diary study methodology in practice.

Citation Information
Joey George. "Researching life in e-society with diary studies" (2006)
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