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Restating Environmental Law
Columbia Journal of Environmental Law (2015)
  • Joel A. Mintz
  • Victor Flatt
  • Tracey Hester
  • Robert Percival
  • Irma Russell

Although environmental law springs from deep roots in centuries of common law, during the last forty years in particular it has grown into a well-established and important legal field in the United States with enormous practical consequences. Maturity, however, has also made it notoriously complex, and environmental law’s overlapping statutory schemes and inconsistent federal and state programs have sparked recurring conflict, controversy, and criticism.


  • environmental law,
  • common law,
  • federal and state programs
Publication Date
Citation Information
Joel A. Mintz, Victor Flatt, Tracey Hester, Robert Percival, et al.. "Restating Environmental Law" Columbia Journal of Environmental Law Vol. 40 Iss. 1 (2015) p. 1 - 37
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