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Asian American Baseball and Asian American Communities: The Early Twentieth Century on the Pacific Coast and Hawai'i
Journal of the West (2014)
  • Joel S Franks, San Jose State University
The article discusses the relationship between Asian American community development and Asian Americans' participation in baseball on the U.S. West's Pacific Coast and in Hawai'i from the beginning of the 20th century through the 1930s. An overview of Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans' involvement in baseball teams, including on the team the Hawaiian Travelers, is provided.
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Citation Information
Joel S Franks. "Asian American Baseball and Asian American Communities: The Early Twentieth Century on the Pacific Coast and Hawai'i" Journal of the West Vol. 53 Iss. 3 (2014) p. 51 - 59 ISSN: 0022-5169
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