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More Alike Than Different: Student Perceptions of Academic Librarians by Genders and Subject Areas
  • Elizabeth Price
  • Jody C. Fagan, James Madison University
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This study explored differences in how undergraduate students of different genders and academic disciplines perceived academic librarians at a U.S. public university. No evidence indicated differences between students identifying as male or female, and few statistically significant differences were found among four Subject Areas (Arts, Humanities + Social Sciences, Business, Health + Education, and STEM). Our results have implications for local practice though they are not generalizable to other institutions. Despite a lack of significant findings, librarians should continue to explore ways to measure how students of different disciplines perceive academic libraries and/or librarians as valuable to their academic success.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0
Citation Information
Elizabeth Price & Jody Condit Fagan (2021) More Alike than Different: Student Perceptions of Academic Librarians by Genders and Subject Areas, The Reference Librarian, 62:3-4, 221-263, DOI: 10.1080/02763877.2021.2008580