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About Joanne M. Marshall

Joanne M. Marshall is a professor in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies program in the School of Education at Iowa State University. She teaches courses in educational administration, research, and teacher preparation. Before joining higher education, Dr. Marshall taught high school English in Illinois, where she is certified in secondary English/language arts and as a K-12 school media specialist. She also holds endorsements in secondary social studies and Spanish. She received her Ed.D. in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Dr. Marshall's research informs teacher and administrator practice in schools, applying ISU's land grant missions to "create, share, and apply knowledge to make Iowa and the world a better place." Her six research areas include inclusive religion, leading preparation programs, teaching in preparation programs, active shooter/ school safety, work-life integration, and rural education in the U.S. and Namibia.


Present Associate Professor, Iowa State University School of Education
Present Associate Professor and Program Area Head, Educational Leadership, Policy, & Organizations, Iowa State University School of Education

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Contact Information

1620 Lagomarcino
901 Stange Rd
Ames, IA 50011-1041
Phone: 515-294-9995
Fax: 515-294-6206


Book Chapters (9)

Series Editor for Books (7)

Work-Life Balance Series Editor for Information Age Publishing