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The Hip Hop Generation: Presentation, Discussion, and Q&A
  • Dr. Joanne L. Rondilla, Arizona State University
  • Dr. Rudy Guevarra, Jr., Arizona State University
The Visionary Lecture provides a venue for innovative social architects to present new ideas and projects related to race and democracy. This is an annual fall lecture from a rising star, torch-bearing scholar or practitioner on race and participatory democracy.

Dr. Joanne Rondilla, along with Dr. Rudy Guevarra Jr., will join Jeff Chang for a discussion about the Hip Hop Generation.
Publication Date
November 6, 2015
Campus talk at the Visionary Lecture Series, Center for the Study of Race & Democracy, Arizona State University: Tempe, AZ.
Citation Information
Joanne L. Rondilla and Rudy Guevarra. "The Hip Hop Generation: Presentation, Discussion, and Q&A" (2015)
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