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RESEARCH REPORT: The Bristol Bay Region
  • Joanna Endter-Wada, Utah State University
  • Steven L. McNabb
  • Joanne Mulcahy
  • Bristol Bay,
  • region
Publication Date
January 1, 1992
This publication is a chapter in Technical Report No. 152, MMS 92-0032. Publisher's PDF available from the Alaska Scientific and Technical Publications Library, Bureau Ocean Energy Management, US Department of the Interior, United States Government. SEE:
Citation Information
Endter-Wada, J., S.L. McNabb and J. Mulcahy. 1992. The Bristol Bay Region. In Social Indicators Study of Alaskan Coastal Communities, Key Informant Summaries, Vol. 2: Schedule B Regions. OCS Study, MMS 92-0032, Technical Report No. 152. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Alaska OCS Regional Office, Anchorage, pp. 557-663.