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Keeping Wetlands Wet in the Western United States: Adaptations to Drought in Agriculture-Dominated Human-Natural Systems
Journal of Environmental Management (2013)
  • Rebekah Downard, Utah State University
  • Joanna Endter-Wada, Utah State University
Water is critical to protecting wetlands in arid regions, especially in agriculture-dominated watersheds. This comparative case study analyzes three federal wildlife refuges in the Bear River Basin of the U.S. West where refuge managers secured water supplies by adapting to their local environmental context and their refuge’s relationship to agriculture in being either irrigation-dependent, reservoir-adjacent or diked-delta wetlands. We found that each refuge’s position confers different opportunities for securing a water supply and entails unique management challenges linked to agricultural water uses. Acquiring contextually-appropriate water rights portfolios was important for protecting these arid region wetlands and was accomplished through various strategies. Once acquired, water is managed to buffer wetlands against fluctuations caused by a dynamic climate and agricultural demands, especially during droughts. Management plans are responsive to needs of neighboring water users and values of the public at large. Such context-specific adaptations will be critical as the West faces climate change and population growth that threaten wetlands and agricultural systems to which they are linked.
  • wetlands,
  • water policy,
  • irrigation systems,
  • wetland management,
  • drought adaptation,
  • coupled natural-human systems
Publication Date
Fall December, 2013
Citation Information
Downard, R. and J. Endter-Wada. 2013. Keeping Wetlands Wet in the Western United States: Adaptations to Drought in Agriculture-Dominated Human-Natural Systems. Journal of Environmental Management 131:394-406.