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Computer Graphics Applications to Crew Displays
NASA Research Report
  • Joan Wyzkoski Weiss, Fairfield University
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Astronauts are provided much data and information via the monochrome CRT displays on the orbiter. hide For this project two areas were investigated for the possible introduction of computer graphics to enhance and extend the utility of these displays. One involved reviewing the current orbiter displays and identifying those which could be improved via computer graphics. As an example, the tabular data on electrical power distribution and control was enhanced by the addition of color and bar charts. The other dealt with the development of an aid to berthing a payload with the Remote Manipulator System (RMS). This aid consists of a graphics display of the top, front and side views of the payload and cargo bay and point of resolution (POR) position and attitude data for the current location of the payload. The initial implementation was on an IBM PC clone. The demonstration software installed in the Johnson Space Center Manipulator Development Facility (MD) was reviewed. Due to current hardware limitations, the MDF verision is slow, i.e., about a 40+ seond update rate and, hence, not real-time. Despite this fact, the evaluation of this additional visual cue as an RMS operator aid indicates that this display, with modifications for speed, etc., can assist the crew. Further development is appropriate.


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Published Citation
Wyzkoski [Weiss], Joan (1983). “Computer Graphics Applications to Crew Displays,” NASA Research Report, August 1983.
Citation Information
Joan Wyzkoski Weiss. "Computer Graphics Applications to Crew Displays" NASA Research Report (1983)
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