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Two medieval soteriologies: Anselm of Canterbury and Julian of Norwich
Theological Studies (1992)
  • Joan m. Nuth, John Carroll University

Compares the soteriologies of Anselm of Canterbury and Julian of Norwich. Immense influence of Anselm's `Cur Deus Homo' upon the development of soteriology; Julian's `Showings' as an important medieval soteriological study alongside with `Cur Deus Homo'; Similarities which bring closer together the seemingly extreme justice-rationalism of Anselm and the unseemingly unqualified universalism of Julian.

Publication Date
December, 1992
Citation Information
Joan m. Nuth. "Two medieval soteriologies: Anselm of Canterbury and Julian of Norwich" Theological Studies Vol. 53 Iss. 4 (1992)
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