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Pope John Paul II : prophetic politician
  • Jo-Renee Formicola
Examines John Paul II and the relationship between his religious beliefs and political practices. Placing the Pope in the context of highly transformational religious leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Mathatma Gandhi and Desmond Tutu, the author argues that John Paul II's vision of a higher order of politics has made him a catalyst for social change in the late twentieth century and beyond. Drawing from the Pope's social encyclicals, diplomatic speeches and international reportage, the author tells the engaging story of an unlikely religious leader whose impact on global politics has been unprecedented. She emphasizes his outreach to China, Russsia and Cuba--and the United States--in the midst of the post-cold war shift in international relations. She pays particular attention to the role of reconciliation in international politics, citing the Pope's peacemaking efforts in the ongoing conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbours. She argues that the Christian economic and political principles John Paul so passionately advocates are the basis for new and profound ways to transform society.
Publication Date
Georgetown University Press
Citation Information
Jo-Renee Formicola. Pope John Paul II : prophetic politician. Washington, D.C.(2002)
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