Popular Press
Louise Temple: Impacting Infectious Diseases
4-VA Annual Report
Since 2013, 4-VA has awarded Dr. Louise Temple seed funding for three primary areas of research that a ect human health on a global scale: the spread of antibiotic resistance, the re- emergence of whooping cough, and a poultry vaccine. Through these projects, she and her various teams of collaborators
and students have discovered a method for how genes with methicillin resistance spread, laid the groundwork for a new method of whooping cough detection, and started developing a vaccine against a poultry bacterium that is harmful to humans.
Dr. Temple’s dedication to scienti c discovery—for science and non-science majors alike—has led to discovery of novel viruses and bacteria in soil, as well as earned her a prestigious Fulbright Scholar award. She is committed to providing opportunities for undergraduates to participate in intensive, authentic research.
Publication Date
February, 2017
Citation Information
JMU CGEMS. "Louise Temple: Impacting Infectious Diseases" 4-VA Annual Report (2017) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/jmu-cgems/10/
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