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Stylistic properties and regulatory fit: Examining the role of self-regulatory focus in the effectiveness of an actor's vs. observer's visual perspective
Journal of Consumer Psychology (2015)
  • Jing Zhang, San Jose State University
  • Xiaojing Yang, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Building on regulatory focus research, we investigate how certain visual elements of an advertising message, such as stylistic properties, contribute to regulatory fit and persuasion. Across three experiments, we examine how the visual perspective (actor's vs. observer's) through which a product is depicted in an ad affects product evaluations among participants with different regulatory foci (promotion- vs. prevention-focused). Specifically, we find that when an actor's perspective is used in an ad to portray a product, regulatory fit occurs among promotion-focused (vs. prevention-focused) participants and they report more favorable product evaluations; conversely, when an observer's perspective is used, regulatory fit occurs among prevention-focused (vs. promotion-focused) participants and they evaluate the product more favorably. An analysis of internal vs. external evaluation thoughts helps explain the persuasion effects.
  • regulatory fit,
  • promotion focused regulation,
  • prevention focused regulation,
  • visual perspective,
  • stylistic properties
Publication Date
July, 2015
Publisher Statement
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Citation Information
Jing Zhang and Xiaojing Yang. "Stylistic properties and regulatory fit: Examining the role of self-regulatory focus in the effectiveness of an actor's vs. observer's visual perspective" Journal of Consumer Psychology Vol. 25 Iss. 3 (2015) p. 449 - 458 ISSN: 1057-7408
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