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Unpublished Paper
Soil health and productivity in riparian grass buffers: A re-evaluation after 13 years
Leopold Center Completed Grant Reports
  • James W. Raich, Iowa State University
  • Richard Schulz, Iowa State University
Project ID
In 2001, soil health and productivity were surveyed in riparian grassland buffers adjacent to Bear Creek in northern Story County, Iowa. The investigators resampled these 24 plots in 2014 using the same techniques to see what changes had resulted from the conservation practices applied in the intervening years.
Key Question
Do soils within formerly cropped, perennial-grass riparian buffers continue to change after more than ten years of establishment?
The buffers sampled in 2014 had far better developed soil food webs than they (i.e., the very same plots) did 13 years earlier.
Principal Investigator(s)
James Raich
Richard Schulz
Year of Grant Completion
Citation Information
James W. Raich and Richard Schulz. "Soil health and productivity in riparian grass buffers: A re-evaluation after 13 years" (2015)
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