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Cyber violence: What do we know and where do we go from here?
Aggression and Violent Behavior (2017)
  • Jillian K. Peterson, Hamline University
  • James Densley, Metropolitan State University
This paper reviews the existing literature on the relationship between social media and violence, including prevalence rates, typologies, and the overlap between cyber and in-person violence. This review explores the individual-level correlates and risk factors associated with cyber violence, the group processes involved in cyber violence, and the macro-level context of online aggression. The paper concludes with a framework for reconciling conflicting levels of explanation and presents an agenda for future research that adopts a selection, facilitation, or enhancement framework for thinking about the causal or contingent role of social media in violent offending. Remaining empirical questions and new directions for future research are discussed.
  • Violence,
  • Social media,
  • Cyber-bullying,
  • Gangs,
  • Selection,
  • Facilitation
Publication Date
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Citation Information
Jillian K. Peterson and James Densley. "Cyber violence: What do we know and where do we go from here?" Aggression and Violent Behavior (2017)
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