Magical Realism and Gender Variability in Orlando
Virginia Woolf Miscellany
Examines the novel "Orlando: A Biography," written by Virginia Woolf in the context of magic realism. Resistance of some literary critics to apply the term magical realism to the novel; Creation of a multi-genre approach to the novel; Significant characteristics of magic realism.
- Magical Realism,
- Gender,
- Variability,
- Orlando
Publication Date
Spring 2005
Publisher Statement
This document was published with permission by the editor. It was originally published in Virginia Woolf Miscellany.
Citation Information
Jill Channing. "Magical Realism and Gender Variability in Orlando" Virginia Woolf Miscellany Vol. 67 (2005) p. 11 - 13 ISSN: 0736251X Available at: