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A Study of Three-dimensional Preferential Flow Using Web-based Simulation System
Computational Science and Its Applications — ICCSA 2003
  • Vladimir J. Alarcon, University, Mississippi State
  • Haihong Zeng, University, Mississippi State
  • William L. Kingery, University, Mississippi State
  • H. Magdi Selim, Louisiana State University
  • Jianping Zhu, Cleveland State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

Results of computational experiments using a web-based three-dimensional multi-reaction transport simulation model, modified to include macroporosity, are presented. Two types of soil column experiments are simulated: one in which the soil matrix is devoid of macropores and the other in which preferential flow occurs through randomly positioned cells that simulate preferential paths. The advection-dispersion equation is solved in both environments for two different input load concentration cases at the top of the simulated soil column: one-point-source and two-point-source. It is found that the vertical Darcy fluxes in the simulated soil matrix with macropores are up to four times as high as those in the corresponding homogeneous soil column.

Book Subtitle: International Conference Montreal, Canada, May 18–21, 2003 Proceedings, Part I
Citation Information
Alarcon, V., Zeng, H., Kingery, W., Selim, H. M., and Zhu, J. (2003), A study of three-dimensional preferential flow using web-based simulation system, in Computational Science and Its Applications, Kumar et al. Eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Vol. 2667, 539 - 548, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.