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Representation and Organization of Information in the Web Space: From MARC to XML
School of Information Studies - Faculty Scholarship
  • Jian Qin, Syracuse University
Document Type
  • MARC,
  • information representation,
  • information organization,
  • XML schemas

Representing and organizing information in libraries has a long tradition of using rules and standards. As the very first standard encoding format for bibliographic data in libraries, MAchine Readable Cataloging (MARC) format is being joined by a large number of new formats since the late 1980s. The new formats, mostly SGML/HTML based, are actively taking a role in representing and organizing networked information resources. This article briefly describes the historical connection between MARC and the newer formats for representing information and the current development in XML applications that will benefit information/knowledge management in the new environment.

Citation Information
Qin, J. (2000). Representation and organization of information in the Web space: from MARC to XML. Informing Science, 3(2): 83-88