eMentoring in Doctoral Education: A Synthesis of the Literature
Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) 2018 Convention
Effective mentoring has been the cornerstone of a successful doctoral experience. The traditional inperson apprenticeship model is not possible in online environments with unique challenges to creating and maintaining mentor-mentee relationships. From the literature on e-mentoring and online graduate education, it was possible to synthesize current practices in e-mentoring for doctoral students conducting research. Using Yob and Crawford (2012) framework, results were organized into six independent categories: Competence, Availability, Induction, Challenge, Communication, and Emotional Support.
Publication Date
October 26, 2018
Kansas City, MO
Citation Information
Lida J. Uribe-Flórez, Jesús Trespalacios, David James Byrnes and Jodi Chilson. "eMentoring in Doctoral Education: A Synthesis of the Literature" Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) 2018 Convention (2018) Available at: