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Thinking through our processes: How the UCSC Community Psychology Research & Action Team strives to embody ethical, critically reflexive anti-racist feminist praxis
Ethnic Studies
  • Regina Day Langhout
  • Erin R. Ellison
  • Danielle Kohfeldt
  • Angela Nguyen
  • Jesica S. Fernandez, Santa Clara University
  • Janelle M. Silva
  • David L. Gordon, Jr.
  • Stephanie Tam Rosas
Document Type
Publication Date
Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice

Co-written by eight people, this paper describes how the UCSC Community Psychology Research and Action Team (CPRAT) organizes itself in weekly group meetings and how this structure is an attempt to embody an ethical, critically reflexive anti-racist feminist praxis. First, we outline the community psychology core competency of an ethical, reflective practice (Dalton & Wolfe, 2012). We offer a friendly amendment to consider an ethical, critically reflexive anti-racist feminist praxis. Second, we discuss how we organize CPRAT meetings to uphold these ideas. We describe our current structure, which includes personal and project check-ins, rotating facilitation, and attention to broader professional development issues. Third, we provide two examples to illustrate our process: (a) why talking about poop matters in addressing imposter syndrome and (b) getting our team on the same page regarding a research site. We end the paper with a description of a “rough edge,” or an area for growth in our praxis.


Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice by GJCPP Editorial Board is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Citation Information
Langhout, R.D., Ellison, E.R., Kohfeldt, D., Nguyen, A., Fernández, J.S., Silva, J.M., Gordon Jr, D. L., & Tam Rosas, S. (2016). Thinking through our processes: How the UCSC Community Psychology Research & Action Team strives to embody ethical, critically reflexive anti-racist feminist praxis. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 7(4), 1-10.