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Beryllium Abundances in F and G Dwarfs in Praesepe and Other Young Clusters from Keck HIRES Observations
The Astrophysical Journal
  • Ann Merchant Boesgaard, University of Hawaii
  • Eric Armengaud, University of Hawaii
  • Jeremy R King, Clemson University
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The American Astronomical Society

The study of both Be and Li gives useful clues about stellar internal structure. Of particular interest is the study of these light elements in open clusters, which have a known age and metallicity. In this paper we present a study of Be abundances in 10 F-type stars in Praesepe and a comprehensive discussion about Be abundances in other open clusters: Hyades, Pleiades, Per, Coma, and UMa. We have made observations of the doublet of Be ii around 3130 A˚ in Praesepe stars, using the Keck I telescope and the High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (HIRES). Beryllium abundances were derived from the spectra using the spectrum synthesis method. We find four stars with definite Be depletion in the temperature range of the Li dip like we found in our previous cluster studies, notably for the Hyades and Coma clusters. Putting all the clusters together, we confirm the existence of a Be dip in a narrow temperature range for F stars. Beryllium depletion in this dip is less pronounced than Li depletion. For the cooler stars there is little or no Be depletion, even though there are large depletions of Li. For stars that have little or no Li depletion, AðLiÞ! 3:0, the ratio Li/Be is 75 Æ 4:6, compared to the meteoritic ratio of 77.6. For stars cooler than $5900 K there appears to be little or no Be depletion, and the mean A(Be) is 1:30 Æ 0:02. For these cooler stars within a given cluster there is no evidence for intrinsic star-to-star differences in A(Be), with the possible exception of the cool Pleiades stars. In the temperature range of the Li-Be dip, a strong correlation exists between Li and Be, consistent with the theory of rotationally induced mixing. Moreover, the slopes of the Li versus Be correlations are different depending on the temperature range. For the full sample of 42 stars between 5900 and 6650 K the slope is 0:43 Æ 0:05 [where A(Li) is the abscissa]. The slope is 0:48 Æ 0:08 for 6300 K < TeA < 6650 K and 0:30 Æ 0:05 for 5900 K < TeA < 6300 K. For the Li plateau stars (the cooler subset), the slope is smaller as the impact of the increasing surface convection zone affects the mixing, thus depleting more Li relative to Be. The different behavior in Be depletion for clusters of different ages is consistent with the idea of slow mixing related to rotation during the main-sequence phase of evolution. The range in metallicity in this sample of clusters is only 0.2 dex, so it is difficult to discern any influence of metallicity on the Li-Be relationship; however, the mean A(Be) in the cooler Hyades stars (with ½Fe=H¼þ0:13) is 1:35 Æ 0:02, which is higher than that for the Coma stars (with ½Fe=H¼ À0:09) of 1:26 Æ 0:02 by 0.09 dex.

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