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Spectroscopic Abundances of Solar-Type Dwarfs in the Open Cluster M34 (NGC 1039)
The Astronomical Journal
  • Simon C Schuler, Clemson University
  • Jeremy R King, Clemson University
  • Debra A Fischer, University of California
  • David R Soderblom, Space Telescope Science Institute
  • Burton F Jones, University of California
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The American Astronomical Society

Parameters and relative abundances of Fe, Ni, Ti, Cr, Ca, Si, Al, and Mg have been derived for nine M34 G and K dwarfs from high-resolution, modest signal-to-noise ratio Keck HIRES spectra. Effective temperatures have been derived spectroscopically and fall in the range 4750 K Teff 6130 K. Despite modest scatter in Fe, Ti, Cr, Ca, Al, and Mg (none of which is found to be correlated with Li scatter in M34), our two coolest stars are slightly though consistently underabundant in these elements relative to the warmer stars. The two cool stars are slightly overabundant in Si, whose abundances are derived from higher excitation lines. This and our finding that Fe ii–based abundances are significantly higher than Fe i–based values in the cool stars seem to point toward the action of non-LTE effects (overionization, overexcitation, or both), though additional analysis is required to exclude inadequacies in the model atmospheres. Final mean cluster abundances are based on five warm stars, which indicate [Fe/H] = +0.07 Æ0.04, and are void of any statistically significant scatter. The other elements scale well with Fe except for Ni, which appears to be slightly underabundant with respect to Fe. Potassium abundances are derived and show a surprising marked trend with temperature, which further supports our suspicion of the presence of non-LTE effects. Moreover, similar trends with temperature suggest that the Li and K underabundances in cool M34 dwarfs are partially related; thus, some portion of the well-known Li-Teff trend in cool M34 dwarfs may be illusory.

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