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Session D-6: Green Fluorescent Protein
Professional Learning Day
  • Jeong Hwang-Choe, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Dave DeVol, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Session Number
Grade Level
Grade Level: 9-12
Start Date
25-2-2011 1:00 PM
End Date
24-2-2011 2:00 PM

GFP purification requires four major steps: inoculation of colonies and growing the cell culture; lysis of cell membrane to extract the protein; purification of protein using hydrophobic column; and use of SDS electrophoresis gel to check for purity. Stations will be set up for you to experience these steps. You can use this experience to adapt this lab in your own classroom or teach students about biotechnology.

Citation Information
Jeong Hwang-Choe and Dave DeVol. "Session D-6: Green Fluorescent Protein" (2011)
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