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Session D-1: Bioinformatics-BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool)
Professional Learning Day
  • Jeong Choe, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Dave DeVol, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Session Number
Room B154
Start Date
2-3-2012 1:00 PM
End Date
2-3-2012 2:00 PM

Teachers will use BLAST to find regions of local similarity between protein sequences. By using the protein sequence databases, teachers will find structural and evolutionary information about various proteins. In addition, interpretation of the data they gather will be discussed. We will conclude the session by discussing how this activity can be implemented in a classroom setting and be used in different grade levels..

Citation Information
Jeong Choe and Dave DeVol. "Session D-1: Bioinformatics-BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool)" (2012)
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