Donor Recognition and Cultivation Through the Use of Digital Bookplates
Journal of Library Innovation
A digital bookplate program that recognizes all levels of gifts provides the library fundraiser with a flexible platform from which to steward and cultivate donors. Digital bookplates can be used to recognize donations to library priorities beyond collections and are a useful tool for establishing collaborative relationships with other campus fundraising units. As libraries move further into the digital world, digital bookplates provide new opportunities for donor engagement.
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Publisher Statement
©2012, S. Foster, J. Robinson. Journal of Library Innovation is an open access journal. Authors retain the copyright to their work under the terms of the following Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 (United States)
Citation Information
Jennifer Robinson and Sherry Foster. "Donor Recognition and Cultivation Through the Use of Digital Bookplates" Journal of Library Innovation Vol. 3 Iss. 2 (2012) Available at: