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Eaten by Email
Academe (2013)
  • Anna Curtis
  • Jennifer H. Lundquist, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Joya Misra

How many times a day do faculty members check e-mail? How often do they send work e-mails in the evenings or over the weekend? Do students or colleagues expect faculty to reply to e-mails within twenty-four hours or in far less time? How can we change the university culture to keep up with technology? While the use of e-mail has become widespread over the last decade, the development of policies, rules, and etiquette around its use in colleges and universities has been haphazard at best. Unfettered e-mail expectations create misunderstandings between colleagues, as well as between students and faculty; they lead to increased “bleed” between work and home and create inefficiencies as well as stress. It is time for universities to implement e-mail policies aimed at improving workplace conditions for faculty and maintaining the quality of communication with students. The dissemination of a consistent set of guidelines to colleges and universities could help change expectations regarding electronic mail.

  • email,
  • higher education,
  • faculty
Publication Date
Citation Information
Anna Curtis, Jennifer H. Lundquist and Joya Misra. "Eaten by Email" Academe (2013)
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