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Equity Analysis of Portland’s Draft Bicycle Master Plan – Findings
Urban Studies and Planning Faculty Publications and Presentations
  • Jennifer Dill, Portland State University
  • Brendon Haggerty, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Cycling -- Oregon -- Portland,
  • Bicycle commuting -- Oregon -- Portland

Portland's current bicycle network has brought the city into the national spotlight as a leader in the provision of cycling infrastructure. As the city looks forward to 2030 with ambitions of becoming a truly world-class bicycling city, it is clear that if the Draft Plan is fully implemented, nearly all of the city will be covered by a dense network of bikeways. The question of equity in the future is therefore not so much one of network coverage or lack of coverage, but of project priority and timing of implementation. The current network, while outstanding relative to other cities, nevertheless has certain service gaps where network coverage is sparse. Identifying where service gaps overlap with disadvantaged populations can help the city prioritize projects from the Draft Plan to serve these groups. The approach of this study was guided by a Public Health/Equity Objective developed during the planning process. This objective urged action to "perform equity gap analysis that includes demographic/income indicators overlaid with existing bike facility gap analysis to inform priority settings where people live, learn, work, and play." In addition to these four categories, we also address bicycle access to transit in recognition of the reality that many outlying neighborhoods are not within a 3-mile bikeable distance to important destinations.

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Citation Information
Jennifer Dill and Brendon Haggerty. "Equity Analysis of Portland’s Draft Bicycle Master Plan – Findings" (2009)
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