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Trump Demanded 'Loyalty' and Asked for an End to the Flynn Investigation, Comey will Testify
Los Angeles Times
  • David S. Cloud
  • Joseph Tanfani
  • Jennifer C Daskal, American University Washington College of Law
Document Type
News Article
Publication Date

[quote] “If Comey is right — and the president was asking him to drop the investigation — we have an increasingly strong case of obstruction,” Jennifer Daskal, a law professor at American University, said Wednesday.

“After all, if a president asking his top law enforcement official to halt an investigation isn’t an effort to impede, I don’t what is.”

Citation Information
David S. Cloud, Joseph Tanfani and Jennifer C Daskal. "Trump Demanded 'Loyalty' and Asked for an End to the Flynn Investigation, Comey will Testify" Los Angeles Times (2017)
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