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GOP Measure Would Make It Harder For Obama To Empty Guantanamo
NPR Politics (2015)
  • Jennifer Daskal, American University Washington College of Law
Quoted: The ideal fix for Guantanamo, says former Justice Department lawyer Jennifer Daskal, a detention policy specialist, would be for the Obama administration to simply transfer all the detainees to other countries.
"The problem, of course, even if they wanted to do that, is finding other countries that would be willing to take them," Daskal says. "I imagine that with sufficient incentives that could be possible, but it certainly would be difficult."
  • Guantanamo,
  • Terrorism,
  • National Security
Publication Date
April 29, 2015
Citation Information
Jennifer Daskal. "GOP Measure Would Make It Harder For Obama To Empty Guantanamo" NPR Politics (2015)
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