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DOJ warrant of Trump resistance site triggers alarm [The Hill]
The Hill (2017)
  • Jennifer Daskal, American University Washington College of Law
[qoute] "Jennifer Daskal, an American University law professor, said that the lack of information about the effort makes it impossible to known the full scope of what the Justice Department is doing. However, she agreed that the request for data appears questionable.

“It seems quite concerning and extremely overbroad — raising both First and Fourth amendment concerns,” Daskal said. “It's targeting anyone who visited a site used to organize a protest, in a way that seriously risks chilling speech and associational rights.” She noted that searches are supposed to be “particularized based on individualized suspicion.”

“Presumably what they’re trying to do is build links and associations … and use that as a basis for a broader investigation,” Daskal said."
Publication Date
August 16, 2017
Citation Information
Jennifer Daskal. "DOJ warrant of Trump resistance site triggers alarm [The Hill]" The Hill (2017)
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