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Children of Same-Sex Parents Deserve the Security Blanket of the Parentage Presumption
Family Court Review (2006)
  • Jennifer L. Rosato Perea, DePaul University
This article considers what rights are important to children of same-sex couples, and concludes that these children must be protected by the presumption of parentage. In reaching this conclusion, the article first analyzes the limited protections currently provided to children of same-sex couples. It then concludes that there is no persuasive reason to treat these children differently from children of “traditional” heterosexual marriage. As such, the parentage presumption should apply equally to children born of a same-sex marriage, domestic partnership, or civil union, as well as to children who live with a same-sex partner in a parent-child relationship. Only with such broad protection can these children receive the economic and psychological support that they deserve.
  • parentage presumption,
  • same-sex
Publication Date
January, 2006
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Citation Information
Jennifer L. Rosato, Children of Same-Sex Parents Deserve the Security Blanket of the Parentage Presumption, 44 Fam. Ct. Rev. 74 (2006)