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Nutrient Management Strategies for Organic Vegetable Production
All Current Publications
  • Emma Jones
  • Daniela Barrera
  • Jennifer R. Reeve, Utah State University
  • Dan Drost, Utah State University
Document Type
Utah State University Extension
Publication Date

Organic vegetable production can be profitable for growers in Utah looking to supply local markets. Much of Utah has short growing seasons (<150 days frost-free) with hot, dry summers and cold winters. Organic growers must work within these constraints to generate sufficient soil fertility using cover crops, composts, and targeted use of commercial organic fertilizers. This fact sheet explores nutrient management techniques used at the Utah State University (USU) Student Organic Farm (Student Farm) located in Cache County. In operation since 2008, the Student Farm was certified organic in 2011.

Citation Information
Emma Jones, Daniela Barrera, Jennifer R. Reeve and Dan Drost. "Nutrient Management Strategies for Organic Vegetable Production" (2020) p. 1 - 7
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