Virtual and Low-Fidelity Simulation: An Integrated Approach to Achieving Learning Outcomes for Early Clinical Students
Nursing Education Perspectives
The purpose of this educational initiative was to transition a portion of onsite acute care/hospital clinical learning to an experience integrating virtual and low-fidelity simulation for undergraduate nursing students. The integrated simulation created a safe, nonthreatening environment for students to learn and develop competence and confidence to meet the demands of real-world practice settings. Virtual with low-fidelity simulation offered a standardized approach that fostered consistency in meeting clinical, course, and program outcomes.
- Integrated Simulation,
- Nursing Education,
- Nursing Students,
- Virtual Simulation
Publication Date
Fall September 27, 2023
Citation Information
Jennifer E Mannino, Eileen Shah and Jacqueline Flannery. "Virtual and Low-Fidelity Simulation: An Integrated Approach to Achieving Learning Outcomes for Early Clinical Students" Nursing Education Perspectives (2023) Available at: