Efficacy of alcohol interventions for first-year college students: a meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Objective: Alcohol use established during the first-year of college can result in adverse consequences during the college years and beyond. In this meta-analysis, we evaluated the efficacy of interventions to prevent alcohol misuse by first-year college students.
Method: Studies were included if the study reported an individual- or group-level intervention using a randomized controlled trial, targeted 1st-year college students, and assessed alcohol use. Forty-one studies with 62 separate interventions (N = 24,294; 57% women; 77% White) were included. Independent raters coded sample, design, methodological features, and intervention content. Weighted mean effect sizes, using fixed- and random-effects models, were calculated. Potential moderators, determined a priori, were examined to explain variability in effect sizes.
Results: Relative to controls, students receiving an intervention reported lower quantity and frequency of drinking and fewer problems (d(+)s = 0.07-0.14). These results were more pronounced when the interventions were compared with an assessment-only control group (d(+)s = 0.11-0.19). Intervention content (e.g., personalized feedback) moderated the efficacy of the intervention.
Conclusions: Behavioral interventions for 1st-year college students reduce alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems. Interventions that include personalized feedback, moderation strategies, expectancy challenge, identification of risky situations, and goal-setting optimize efficacy. Strategies to prevent alcohol misuse among first-year students are recommended.
Publication Date
April, 2014
Citation Information
Lori A.J. Scott-Sheldon, Kate B. Carey, Jennifer C Elliott, Lorra Garey, et al.. "Efficacy of alcohol interventions for first-year college students: a meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials" Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Vol. 82 Iss. 2 (2014) p. 177 - 188 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/jennifer-elliott/34/