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About Jennifer Bose

Jennifer Bose is a researcher on the State Systems team at the Institute for Community Inclusion. She earned her B.A. in psychology from Wellesley College in 1992 and an M.A. in education and developmental psychology from Boston College in 1997. Her primary interest has consistently been the study of promising practices at the state, organizational, employment specialist, and individual level that lead to the competitive employment of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Early work includes co-authored publications on effective strategies to find employment, the accessibility of OneStop career centers, characteristics of effective employment service delivery from state agencies and community rehabilitation providers and the uses of consumer-directed funding for employment. Notable projects include a study of employment choices made by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, resulting in the 2011 article she co-authored: “Choosing employment: Factors that impact employment decisions for individuals with intellectual disability” (Intellectual and developmental disabilities, 49, 285–299); and a three-year follow-along study of people managing their diabetes in the workplace, described in her article: "Promoting successful diabetes management in the workplace" (International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 2013, Vol. 6 Issue: 3, pp.205-226. She has also authored and co-authored articles on promising practices in employment at the state, agency and individual level.   She currently works with a team analyzing states’ efforts to implement Employment First legislation. Other current research focuses on successful engagement between individuals with disabilities and their families and the education and employment service systems, and strategies used by employment specialists supporting job seekers with disabilities.
Phone: 617-287-4353


Present Research Study Coordinator, University of Massachusetts Boston Institute for Community Inclusion


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