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About Jenifer Chilton

I am most interested in behavior change and finding ways to help others live a healthier lifestyle. I conduct most of my research with adolescents and young adults, however I have also worked with women of all ages. I conduct research in behavior change, intimate partner violence, and nursing education.


Present Associate Professor and Director of the PhD Program in Nursing, University of Texas at Tyler School of Nursing

Curriculum Vitae



2020 - 2021 Data Analysis and Methods 12-Month Presentation
Role: Program Coordinator
2020 - 2021 Safe Learning Environments at UT Tyler (SULEUTT) Research Study
The University of Texas at Tyler
Role: CoPI
2019 - 2019 The Seven Steps of Data Analysis
Funded by University of Texas at Tyler
Role: Program Coordinator
2018 - 2018 Nurse Camp
The University of Texas at Tyler
Role: Program Coordinator
2016 - 2017 Development of the Adolescent and Young Adult Wellness Instrument (AYAWS)
Funded by Institute of Integrated Health
Role: PI
2015 - 2016 The Total Girl Wellness Program for Adolescent Females Living on the Border between Texas and Mexico
Funded by Integrated Institute for Health
Role: PI
2013 - 2014 Transforming Texas Grant
North East Public Health District
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2020 - Present Member, National League of Nurses
2020 - Present Member, Texas Nurse Association
2011 - Present Member, Southern Nursing Research Association
2010 - Present Member, Phi Kappa Phi
2005 - Present Member, Sigma Theta Tau
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Honors and Awards

  • 2018 LANP, AACN
  • 2015 Nominated for Outstanding Dissertation Award, SON Nominated by PhD Faculty
  • 2010 Excellence in Teaching, Sigma Theta Tau - Iota Nu Chapter
  • 2008 Graduate Excellence in Nursing, University of Texas at Tyler Graduate School
  • 2007 Award of Outstanding in School Health, Texas Department of State and Human Services Outstanding Graduate Student, Sigma Theta Tau
  • 2006 Award of Excellence in School Health, Texas Department of State and Human Services


2012 Ph.D., University of Texas at Tyler ‐ School of Nursing
2008 M.S.N., University of Texas at Tyler ‐ School of Nursing
1991 B.S.N., University of Kansas ‐ Nursing
1987 B.S.E., University of Texas at Austin ‐ Education

Presentations (23)