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Introduction to an Open Community Infrasound Dataset from the Actively Erupting Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
Seismological Research Letters
  • David Fee, University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • Akihiko Yokoo, Kyoto University
  • Jeffrey B. Johnson, Boise State University
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Active volcanoes are significant sources of seismic and acoustic radiation. Extensive work has shown that infrasound is an effective tool to study and monitor active volcanoes. Infrasound is now a regular tool utilized by volcano observatories to aid in volcano monitoring and hazard mitigation. Infrasound‐based studies are able to provide important information on eruption dynamics and to develop quantitative models of volcanic eruptions. In addition, volcanoes provide excellent acoustic sources for atmospheric propagation studies and can be used to infer atmospheric dynamics and structure (see Johnson and Ripepe, 2011; Fee and Matoza, 2013 for recent reviews on volcano infrasound). The number of infrasound sensors and studies is also increasing rapidly, including those deployed as part of the USArray Transportable (seismic) Array. Lastly, seismic and acoustic records provide complementary information on both volcanic and nonvolcanic sources and elastic wave propagation in the Earth and atmosphere (Arrowsmith et al., 2010).

Copyright Statement

"Introduction to an Open Community Infrasound Dataset from the Actively Erupting Sakurajima Volcano, Japan" authored by Fee, D., Yokoo, A., and Johnson, J. B. was originally published by Seismological Society of America in Seismological Research Letters, 85(6), 1151-1162 (2014). Copyright restrictions may apply. doi: 10.1785/0220140051

Citation Information
David Fee, Akihiko Yokoo and Jeffrey B. Johnson. "Introduction to an Open Community Infrasound Dataset from the Actively Erupting Sakurajima Volcano, Japan" Seismological Research Letters (2014)
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