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Low-temperature ferromagnetic properties of the diluted magnetic semiconductor Sb2-x Crx Te3 .
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter (2005)
  • Jeffrey Dyck, John Carroll University
  • Č. Drašar
  • P. Lošťák
  • C. Uher

We report on magnetic and electrical transport properties of Sb2-x Crx Te3 single crystals with 0⩽x⩽0.095 over temperatures from 2 K to 300 K . A ferromagnetic state develops in these crystals at low temperatures with Curie temperatures that are proportional to x (for x>0.014 ), attaining a maximum value of 20 K for x=0.095 . Hysteresis below TC for the applied field parallel to the c axis is observed in both magnetization and Hall-effect measurements. Magnetic as well as transport data indicate that Cr takes the 3+ (3 d3 ) valence state, substituting for antimony in the host lattice structure, and does not significantly affect the background hole concentration. Analysis of the anomalous Hall effect reveals that skew scattering is responsible for its presence. These results broaden the scope of ferromagnetism in the V2 - VI3 diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) and in ferromagnetic DMS structures, generally.

Publication Date
March 15, 2005
Publisher Statement
©2005 The American Physical Society DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.115214
Citation Information
Jeffrey Dyck, Č. Drašar, P. Lošťák and C. Uher. "Low-temperature ferromagnetic properties of the diluted magnetic semiconductor Sb2-x Crx Te3 ." Physical Review B: Condensed Matter Vol. 71 Iss. 11 (2005)
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