Substantial pressure effect on the resistivity and Curie temperature for the diluted magnetic semiconductor Sb2–x Vx Te3.
physica status solidi (b)
The influence of hydrostatic pressure on the electrical resistivity ρ and ferromagnetic transition temperature T C of bulk, single crystal Sb1–x Vx Te3 with x = 0.03 is presented. Pressure strongly suppresses ρ at all temperatures, with an overall decrease of about 35% at 1.6 GPa. The peak in ρ , a signature of T C, moves to lower temperature with increasing pressure. An overall suppression of T C near 40% at 1.6 GPa is observed. The results are discussed within the context of a carrier-mediated ferromagnetic exchange interaction.
Publication Date
July, 2006
Publisher Statement
© 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.200541287
Citation Information
Jeffrey Dyck, K. Ahilan, M. C. Aronson, C. Uher, et al.. "Substantial pressure effect on the resistivity and Curie temperature for the diluted magnetic semiconductor Sb2–x Vx Te3." physica status solidi (b) Vol. 243 Iss. 8 (2006) Available at: