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About Jeffrey Taylor

Jeffrey is a PhD student in the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Utah State University. His research focuses on multidisciplinary design and optimization of morphing-wing aircraft. He has worked with the Air Force Research Laboratory and is currently working with NASA as an ARMD research fellow to develop new aerostructural theories to predict optimum spanload distributions on morphing- and flexible-wing aircraft. He also works to create low-order tools to rapidly identify morphing-wing designs that minimize aircraft fuel consumption and mitigate negative aeroelastic effects.


September 2018 - Present ARMD Research Fellow, NASA Ames Research Center ‐ Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
February 2016 - September 2018 Research Assistant, Utah State University Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
May 2017 - August 2017 Graduate Student Summer Fellow (SFFP), Air Force Research Laboratory ‐ Aerospace Vehicles Division

Curriculum Vitae


2018 - Present Continuous Flight Optimization of Morphing-Wing Aircraft
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - 80NSSC18K1696
NASA ARMD Training Grant
Role: Research Fellow
Colleague(s): Nhan Nguyen
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2016 - Present Student Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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Honors and Awards

  • 2019 Achievement of the Year - Utah State University Robins Award


Present PhD Student, Utah State University ‐ Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Articles (3)

Conference Papers (5)

Datasets (1)

Presentations (1)

Theses (1)