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Meditation-State Functional Connectivity (msFC): Strengthening of the Dorsal Attention Network and Beyond
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • Brett Froeliger
  • Eric L. Garland
  • Rachel V. Kozink
  • Leslie A. Modlin
  • Nan-Kuei Chen
  • F. Joseph McClernon
  • Jeffrey M Greeson, Rowan University
  • Paul Sobin
Document Type
Version Deposited
Accepted for publication (PostPrint)
Publication Date

Meditation practice alters intrinsic resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) in the default mode network (DMN). However, little is known regarding the effects of meditation on other resting-state networks. The aim of current study was to investigate the effects of meditation experience and meditation-state functional connectivity (msFC) on multiple resting-state networks (RSNs). Meditation practitioners (MPs) performed two 5-minute scans, one during rest, one while meditating. A meditation naïve control group (CG) underwent one resting-state scan. Exploratory regression analyses of the relations between years of meditation practice and rsFC and msFC were conducted. During resting-state, MP as compared to CG exhibited greater rsFC within the Dorsal Attention Network (DAN). Among MP, meditation, as compared to rest, strengthened FC between the DAN and DMN and Salience network whereas it decreased FC between the DAN, dorsal medial PFC, and insula. Regression analyses revealed positive correlations between the number of years of meditation experience and msFC between DAN, thalamus, and anterior parietal sulcus, whereas negative correlations between DAN, lateral and superior parietal, and insula. These findings suggest that the practice of meditation strengthens FC within the DAN as well as strengthens the coupling between distributed networks that are involved in attention, self-referential processes, and affective response.


Author manuscript from PubMed Central.

PMCID: PMC3320106

Citation Information

Froeliger, B., Garland, E. L., Kozink, R. V., Modlin, L. A., Chen, N., McClernon, F. J., . . . Sobin, P. (2012). Meditation-state functional connectivity (msFC): Strengthening of the dorsal attention network and beyond. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012, 1-9.