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Combining data from multiple sources using the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System (Invited)
Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty Publications
  • David G. Tarboton, Utah State University
  • Daniel Ames, Utah State University
  • Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Utah State University
  • J. L. Goodall
Document Type
San Francisco, CA
Publication Date

The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) has developed a Hydrologic Information System (HIS) to provide better access to data by enabling the publication, cataloging, discovery, retrieval, and analysis of hydrologic data using web services. The CUAHSI HIS is an Internet based system comprised of hydrologic databases and servers connected through web services as well as software for data publication, discovery and access. The HIS metadata catalog lists close to 100 web services registered to provide data through this system, ranging from large federal agency data sets to experimental watersheds managed by University investigators. The system's flexibility in storing and enabling public access to similarly formatted data and metadata has created a community data resource from governmental and academic data that might otherwise remain private or analyzed only in isolation. Comprehensive understanding of hydrology requires integration of this information from multiple sources. HydroDesktop is the client application developed as part of HIS to support data discovery and access through this system. HydroDesktop is founded on an open source GIS client and has a plug-in architecture that has enabled the integration of modeling and analysis capability with the functionality for data discovery and access. Model integration is possible through a plug-in built on the OpenMI standard and data visualization and analysis is supported by an R plug-in. This presentation will demonstrate HydroDesktop, showing how it provides an analysis environment within which data from multiple sources can be discovered, accessed and integrated.


Abstract IN11F-03 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU

Citation Information
David G. Tarboton, Daniel Ames, Jeffery S. Horsburgh and J. L. Goodall. "Combining data from multiple sources using the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System (Invited)" (2012)
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