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Motivating African-American College Students through Course-Integrated Library Instruction: Exploring the Role of Encouragement
Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy
  • Jeffrey M. Mortimore, Bennett College for Women
  • Amanda Wall, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Type of Presentation
Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)
Target Audience
Higher Education
Room 1002

See presentation description.

Presentation Description
This presentation will explore the unique role course-integrated library instruction may play in increasing academic motivation among African-American college students. Drawing upon recent work in student motivation, the presenters argue that perception of faculty encouragement is the single most important predictor of African-American college students’ academic self-concept, trumping both academic performance (e.g., grades) and school environment (i.e., HBCUs vs. PWCUs). Given this link between encouragement and academic self-concept, course-integrated library instruction becomes an arena in which librarians may support the development of students’ self-concept, thus increasing motivation. Presenters will discuss the role of encouragement in course-integrated instruction, and suggest how to achieve greater perception of encouragement, both during and after instruction. Lastly, the presenters will consider ramifications for instructional services programs at HBCUs by reviewing recent experiences at Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, NC.
Presentation Year
  • Information literacy,
  • African-American students,
  • Student motivation,
  • Library instruction,
  • Faculty encouragement
Publication Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Citation Information
Jeffrey M. Mortimore and Amanda Wall. "Motivating African-American College Students through Course-Integrated Library Instruction: Exploring the Role of Encouragement" (2009)
Available at: