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Plasmid-mediatedoligopeptide transport system in lactococci
Genetics of the Streptococci, Enterococci, and Lactococci
  • W. Yu
  • K. Gillies
  • J. K. Kondo
  • Jeff Broadbent, Utah State University
  • L. L. McKay
Document Type
Contribution to Book
J. J. Ferretti, M.S. Gilmore, and T. R.Klaenhammer
Basel Press
Publication Date
Citation Information
Yu, W., K. Gillies, J. K. Kondo, J. R. Broadbent, and L. L. McKay. 1995. Plasmid-mediated oligopeptide transport system in lactococci, pp. 509-521. In J. J. Ferretti, M.S. Gilmore, and T. R. Klaenhammer (eds.), Genetics of the Streptococci, Enterococci, and Lactococci. Dev. Biol. Stand., vol. 85, Basel Press, Karger, Sweden.