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The LILAC Project: Coding Student Information-Seeking Behaviors
Student Success in Writing Conference
  • Janice R Walker, Georgia Southern University
  • Jinrong Li, Georgia Southern University
  • Leigh Ann Williams, Georgia Southern University
  • Jenna Lancaster Vaisvil, Georgia Southern University
  • Jeanne Bohannon, Kennesaw State University

This panel will introduce participants to the LILAC Project (Learning Information Literacy across the Curriculum). Presenters will first demonstrate how student information-seeking behaviors are coded; participants will then practice coding one of the videos. Finally, the whole group will discuss how the findings can be used by teachers, librarians, and others.

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Citation Information
Janice R Walker, Jinrong Li, Leigh Ann Williams, Jenna Lancaster Vaisvil, et al.. "The LILAC Project: Coding Student Information-Seeking Behaviors" (2016)
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