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Book review: Taking a stand: A guide to peace teams and accompaniment projects
Journal of Community Practice
  • Jeanette Harder, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date

This easy-to-read book presents the “nuts and bolts” of participating on a peace team or accompaniment project in a violence stricken area of our globe. If you’re looking for an introduction to a very “gutsy” kind of peacemaking, then this is the book is for you. If you’re a firm supporter of U.S. policies, then this book may not be so palatable. Written by a Quaker and long-time peace activist, this book outlines many of the questions that may arise for someone considering participation on a peace team or accompaniment project, with a motivational bent towards encouraging this type of activity. The text is sprinkled liberally with quotes from active peacemakers, as the author did her homework by talking with many organizations and participants in the preparation of her manuscript.


This is an Author’s Original Manuscript (AOM) of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Community Practice in 2006, available online:

Citation Information
Harder, J. (2006). Book review: Taking a stand: A guide to peace teams and accompaniment projects. Journal of Community Practice, 14, 144–146.